Plan ahead with the help of a wills and trust attorney.
Qualified Income Trusts (QIT)
Also known as a Miller Trust, a Qualified Income Trust is often required by Medicaid to allot skilled nursing care to an individual who would otherwise be disqualified because of their income. If your income is more than $2130 per month (as of Jan. 1, 2013), then an Income Trust needs to be created with the extra money so that you can qualify for long-term nursing home care benefits." In order to obtain proper Medicaid coverage, an experienced attorney must draft a Qualified Income Trust that meets the standard for Medicaid and the client’s future care plan.
Living Will
A living will dictates the preferred method of care for those that are sick or dying. It is important that seniors draft living wills even long before they run the risk, as they require a sound mind and thought process.
Wills and Trusts
Wills and trusts are an integral part of Elder Law services. Meeks and Ceely, P.L. is extremely capable of drafting wills and trusts to meet a client’s needs, and Attorney Meeks is qualified to answer any questions that may arise in the process.